Leveraging “Habituation” to Enhance Your Aesthetician Business

Leveraging “Habituation” to Enhance Your Aesthetician Business

I have gotten into the habit of listening to Podcasts when I take road-trips alone or when I am not engaged in conversation with my family in the car. That is when I “met” Dr. Shali Tali Sharot, a world-renowned neuroscientist from MIT and University College in London, and she taught me the term “habituation”

As an aesthetician, I’ve dedicated time and effort in providing the best possible care and services to my clients. But I never truly understood the concept of leveraging habituation and how it could boost my business? In decided to write this blog, to teach you all what I learned about habituation, what it is, and how you can use it to your advantage in your aesthetic practice.

I’ve also added some practical steps I personally will become better at so that I can keep my client’s interest.

What is Habituation?

Habituation defined is a psychological phenomenon where a person becomes achieves and becomes accustomed to a stimulus after repeated exposure, resulting in a decrease in their response to that stimulus over time. This concept is crucial in understanding customer behavior and satisfaction.

Here’s how Habituation Applies to an Individual’s Business

Consistent Quality and Routine:

Creating Rituals: By establishing consistent routines and rituals in your services, you can create a sense of comfort and familiarity for your clients. This can lead to increased client loyalty as they become habituated to the high standards and specific care they receive.

Regular Appointments: Encourage clients to book regular appointments. As they become habituated to the routine, they’ll view their visits as an essential part of their self-care regimen.

Innovative Treatments:

Periodic Changes: To counteract how habituation diminishes client curiosity and excitement for new treatments or products, it’s smart to periodically introduce new treatments, engage in new tools or variations or treatments to keep the experience fresh and exciting for your clients.

Special Promotions: Offer limited-time services or seasonal specials. This not only attracts new clients but also keeps existing clients engaged and interested. On the other hand, stop offering discounts! My clients talk about this all of the time!

Personalized Experiences:

Tailored Services: Customize treatments based on individual client preferences and needs. When clients feel their services are uniquely catered to them, they are less likely to experience habituation in a negative way. This also includes keeping your conversations in treatment about the client. Be positive in your banter and responses…talk skin!

Client Feedback: Regularly seek and incorporate client feedback to continuously improve and adapt your services. Constructive Criticism helps with growth and is not always meant to insult or inflame. You as the business owner may choose

Educational Content:

Client Education: Educate your clients on the benefits of regular treatments and the science behind skincare. This knowledge reinforces the value of their habitual visits. You can do this with counter cards or informational post-care emails. I am ecstatic when my clients offer feedback about being educated. I often think to myself “I have done my job!”

Online Presence: Maintain an active online presence through blogs, social media, and newsletters. Sharing valuable content keeps your clients engaged and reminds them of the importance of their regular appointments. I believe being in front of a camera once and I while allows you to be seen. Plus it helps for you to appear as an expert in the field.

Some Practical Steps to Implement Habituation Strategies

  • Create a Loyalty Program: Implement a rewards program that encourages clients to return regularly. Offer points for each visit that can be redeemed for discounts or special services. I use colorful punch cards that are the size of a business card. If they purchase 4 treatments the 5th is Free.
  • Follow-Up Communication: Send follow-up emails or texts after appointments to thank clients and remind them of their next visit. This reinforces the habit of regular appointments. Its kind of like a best-friend checking in and clients love the personal attention.
  • Offer Memberships: Provide membership packages that include a set number of treatments per month. This not only guarantees regular visits but also provides a steady revenue stream for your business.
  • Host Workshops and Events: Organize skincare workshops or events that provide additional value to your clients. These events can be educational and serve as a reminder of the importance of their skincare routine.

In the End…

By understanding and applying the principles of habituation, you can create a more engaging and loyal client base. Being consistent with quality, innovative treatments, personalized experiences, and educational content are key strategies to keep your clients returning and satisfied.

Try to Implement these practices in your aesthetician business and watch as your client relationships and business success flourish.

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