The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Aestheticians

As Aestheticians, we’ve learned that our primary goal is to help clients achieve healthy, glowing skin. However, the journey to achieving this is not just about treatments and products; it’s also about maintaining a professional relationship built on mutual respect and understanding. One key aspect of this relationship is learning to set and maintain clear […]

Leveraging “Habituation” to Enhance Your Aesthetician Business

I have gotten into the habit of listening to Podcasts when I take road-trips alone or when I am not engaged in conversation with my family in the car. That is when I “met” Dr. Shali Tali Sharot, a world-renowned neuroscientist from MIT and University College in London, and she taught me the term “habituation” […]

Baseball, Babe, and Business … Ignoring the Boos from the Cheap Seats

Watching baseball is one of the joys of my summer, especially cheering for the Phillies! I appreciate that each player on the field is a seasoned athlete, having dedicated years to honing their craft, all in pursuit of their major league ambitions, aiming for the pinnacle of success: the World Series. I’m also aware that […]

Thriving in the Skincare Industry: Aestheticians & Side Hustles

In today’s economy, professionals across various career fields are exploring what are known as “side hustles” to bolster their income and finance their passions. Aestheticians, known for their expertise in various skincare-based skills, are no exception. Combine unique skill sets and growing demands for personalized skincare services, many aestheticians are branching out into side hustles […]

Unlocking Success: The Super-Power of Mentorship in the Skincare Industry

In the forever-evolving world of Skin Care, trends shift like sand through an hourglass. New products flood the market daily, mentorship stands like a lighthouse as a guiding beacon for professionals, both seasoned and newly licensed alike. And much like a well-formulated serum, mentorship could encourage growth and foster success in this dynamic field. The […]

Decoding DHT and Its Impact on Hair Growth

Hair: our crowning glory, the frame to our face, the confidence booster flowing down our shoulders. But what happens when this source of pride starts thinning, receding, leaving behind whispers of what once was? One culprit lurking in the shadows is a hormone most haven’t heard of: DHT. DHT: The Testosterone Twin with a Twist […]