44722071 - thinking business woman with glasses looking up on many questions mark isolated on gray wall background

When we launched the search and open call for Estheticians to enter The Skin Games nationwide in January 2015, we were inundated with questions, comments, and requests for advice. Many of you have had similar requests, so we thought an updated FAQs post would be valuable.  Not to mention, there is a lot of BUZZ about The Skin Games and there are a few points we noticed that seem cloudy or confusing for some, and we’d like to Windex the showcase for you a bit if you will.

First off, let us welcome you to The Skin Games with the beautiful blonde bombshells, Athena Kottak and Bobbie Brown of The Ex-Wives of Rock TV Show, also known as our beautiful hosts for the Live Awards Show April 23, 2016.


The Skin Games FAQs

1. If I register now, when do I have to upload my first video? Because I don’t have a client yet…

By Registering NOW, you gain all the marketing benefits that The Skin Games has to offer, for that much longer. You won’t be paying a higher registration fee to enter earlier, you will just gain more exposure to our network of influential eyes you want on your business!  Therefore, register now and then host a search for your client.

2. Why do I have to pay a registration fee?

Great question! We have answered this multiple times because we know that not every esthetician is succeeding in business the way they would like, and financial commitments can be difficult. We require a registration fee because of the cost of the contest. Between prizes, events, marketing, and your AWESOME player’s T-Shirt– the contest costs a bit of money.

However, we set the fee low at $100 because you can use this registration fee as a business expense for marketing your service, but it will be the CHEAPEST marketing method with the MOST results.

Nationwide notoriety, respect from the industry, locals and beyond knowing your business– you will see an increase in the number of clients you have filling your appointment books. More appointments=More $$. Even a radio spot for your new bio peel is going to cost three times that! We also felt that when we, as humans, are able to do things for free, we don’t respect them or commit to them as much as when we invest hard earned cash. We want committed, respectful, reputable estheticians who want to promote the industry they work in and love.

If you WANT to register but have trouble raising the funding. I urge you to read this blog about creative ways to raise the fee. Or this one about possible scholarship opportunities.

3. What does “The Skin Games” mean? Is it like “The Hunger Games?”

We would like to thank Christine Byer, again, for her cute comments when discussing the name we chose for this competition. It was a hard choice… but we LOVE “The Skin Games” and we hope you will too!

We toyed around with The Expert Esthetician, The Excellent Esti, and some others– but The Skin Games stuck with our beta test group and it seemed to describe what we are doing. Plus, the publicity over hunger games will help us gain momentum so that you can see this contest and enter to win some pretty awesome prizes!

The Skin Games vs. The Hunger Games?  We are skin care pros competing in a competition to prove who is THE BEST. Don’t worry— we will not play the role of The Capitol and make you choose nightshade berries or kill your competitors to win. We won’t even make you wear funny wigs to the Live Awards   Show if you make Top 30! As Christine Byer, above, mentioned, we have the BEST intentions for ALL skincare professionals.  *Please watch her whole clip, she is not affiliated with us, as she states, so her take on The Skin Games is unbiased and simply from the mouth of an esthetician in the United States… those we are trying to help PROMOTE THEIR AWESOME!

The similarities to “The Hunger Games” ends promptly after we say, “competition.

4. The state laws where I live are different than California, will I get into trouble for the procedures I do legally in my own state?

You ask a very good question. We set the standards at California’s level because they are strict and that way everyone is covered. However, this reoccurring question made a good point– if you use derma needles legally and we aren’t allowed– you should be allowed to showcase your talents using your favorite modalities. Therefore, we have added an “OPEN” category to The Skin Games where you can compete in your favorite topic, “Acne, Anti-Aging, Hyperpigmentation, or something else creative of your choosing” following the laws and standards of your home state. This, we believe, will make it fair across the board.

5. Do I have to pay to enter “The People’s Choice” category? 

No. If you register for any one of the other categories, you are automatically entered to win “The People’s Choice” by popular vote on your videos. Therefore, by registering to win The Skin Games you get two chances to win!

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