Candace Holyfield and Her Work in the Beauty/Spa Industry

When I first met Candace Holyfield through The Skin Games, I immediately recognized her passion and dedication to uplifting others. Jennifer Rosenblum, TSG founder, had originally connected with Candace and saw her natural ability to inspire, asking her to serve as a judge for our Compassion category focused on charity work. Candace was a perfect […]

How to Do a Pitch in 1 Minute (and Win Spa Tank!)

Have a revolutionary skincare product but only 60 seconds to impress potential investors or spa owners? Don’t fret! Here’s your guide to crafting a captivating one-minute pitch that lands like a game-changer. Hook (‘Em In: 10 Seconds) Start with a bang! Grab attention with a powerful statement that paints a picture of the current skincare […]